Monday, July 30, 2012

Democrats using military as bargaining chips?

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Some tough words from a New Hampshire senator Kelly AM she is blasting Democrats were basically using the military as blackmail.

She says the president needs to take a leading role in figuring out how to resolve the defense cuts issue.

Which would force the Pentagon to cut 500 billion dollars over the next decade.

It makes me sick.

There's some in Washington particularly.

You know some of the senate Democrats want to play -- and even our president unfortunately.

Want to use our military as a bargaining chip.

Tennessee congresswoman Marsha Blackburn serves as a deputy whip and the house for the house and is on the house and energy commerce committee she joins us now anchored thank you for joining us.

Yes they ended heavyweights -- says senators John McCain Lindsey Graham and Kelly airs who we -- heard from they are all visiting my home state of North Carolina today to swing state huge military population.

They're disagreeing with these military spending cuts are also headed to Virginia and Florida but just sticking to North Carolina alone.

A US senate committee report says that that state will lose health screenings education senior nutrition veteran services and employment help.

Worth more than 100.

Million dollars so what is it stake if these cuts go into effect.

Well first of all I was in New York I in North Carolina a couple of weeks ago -- there.

And to date that you're talking a lot about these proposed cuts in -- very concerned about that.

For the military families and the way it affects the families is the readiness and the deployment scales.

And she said these are going take -- every area.

That our military expenditures.

We want to make certain that our men and women in uniform half what they need to re deploy.

And I have to tell you the senator is trying to clean sheet as of -- The administration for the way that they have approached they asked and for the lack of willingness.

To come back to the -- you know the white.

We started through this sequestration process and the cut was to make certain.

That we reduce what the federal government spend years planning -- places and that you can reduce federal government discretionary spending.

Andy you can meet the obligation that we need didn't.

to our men and women in uniform you were looking at some live pictures of senator Graham if he speaks there in Florida as we mentioned that's going on right now.

-- there is an alternate plan and I want to get your take on this governor Romney says his plan.

Would reverse the military spending cuts made since President Obama came into office.

Maintaining defense funds a minimum of 4% of US gross domestic product.

Also calling for a 67%.

Increase in new naval vessels an additional 100000.

Active troops.

Also enhanced missile defense investments.

Basically two point one trillion dollars over the next ten years has even more than the military has asked for so how -- we pay for that is that feasible.

It is feasible and one of the things that governor Romney understands.

Is twins these contracts are terminated.

Then and I don't come back can you are back to square one on base.

And they are our readiness components that need to be captain that pipeline.

For our men and women in uniform now another one of the things I think we should day.

Is -- eliminate some of the GSA funding -- eliminate -- 161000.

IRS agents they're going to be there today implement obamacare.

We do not need to be giving pink slips to our men and women in uniform at the -- strength of our troops.

Can not take what would be necessary to -- And that active fighting force so for keeping that in -- Keeping the readiness components they are taking care of the families we need to make certain that we are in the best thing.

And our military superiority.

And our military strength he mentioned some of those alternatives.

-- to be clear.

The military cuts they were agreed to last summer by congress along with president Barack Obama after that.

So called super committee and I come to terms of the budget control act passed.

With that automatic cut going into effect right so currently the thing is how conceivable is it that we can come to terms and come to an agreement now.

Well you know we're going to keep working on it until we do come to an agreement.

And they 'cause -- your night we weren't the table working on a solution.

And the Democrats Atlanta led -- Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid left the -- The president left the table.

They need to come back and work on this and meant -- spending reductions into discretionary spending component in our budget.

So -- you are.

-- dissing the areas where they came up pulling it out EPA GSA.

IRS they scary areas and there's HH gas.

-- up places today you can begin to -- budgets are about priorities expenditures are about priorities.

We are spending too much money on programs.

We do not need all our Juan and hit some money that we don't have house about that fiscal clip that we are spiraling towards the end -- much for joining us -- we appreciate debate with you had their thank you.


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