Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SGM Metals LLC: Social Security Disability Enrollment Exceeds Job ...


Shifting the jobless to the govt. handout column only worsens the problem?!?

PRLog (Press Release) - Jul 30, 2012 -
Infowars.com reports: [ Between April and June, according to statistics released by the Senate Budget Committee, more Americans went on Social Security disability than found jobs. Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican on the budget panel, said that since 2008 and the onset of the latest economic recession 3.6 million Americans have gone on disability and 1.3 million have lost jobs.

According to figures released by the committee, a total of 246,000 people enrolled in the Social Security Disability Insurance program while during the same period a mere 225,000 found jobs.

?Amazingly, while fewer Americans are working than at the end of 2008, 3.6 million Americans have been awarded SSDI benefits over the same period. The growing number of people on disability and other federal benefits, combined with weak economic growth, raises serious concerns about the sustainability of the American economy,? said the Alabama senator.

?It is clear there is a great need to distinguish between proper and improper disability claims, and to better incentivize and find acceptable work for those who are able. Today only 1 percent of Social Security disability recipients ever return to work. The administration of this program must be improved to avoid sinking our country deeper into debt, to ensure the program remains viable for those with disabilities, and to protect Social Security itself.?

However, according to John Williams? ?Shadow Government Statistics? website, the real unemployment rate is closer to 22 percent. Williams? methodology for determining the real unemployment rate includes ?long-term discouraged workers? who are removed from the category of those considered ?unemployed,? a bookkeeping trick instituted by the Clinton administration in 1994 to make unemployment appear lower than it actually is.

During a recent campaign stop, Obama criticized small business despite the fact they are the engine of job creation in the United States. According to data released by Automatic Data Processing, Inc., of the 216,000 new jobs created in February of this year, 108,000 or more than half were created by businesses with 49 or fewer employees. The 88,000 new jobs created by companies with 50-499 employees brings the total of new jobs from small businesses for February to 90 percent, The Daily Times notes.]

We see stories about the federal government doing outreach programs to target Spanish speaking immigrants to use food stamps (there is controversy as to whether they are targeting illegals in a bid to buy votes) which would only increase the number of people who are dependent upon govt. for their living expenses at a point where already 1/2 the country falls into this category. This on top of the fact that more Americans are successfully going onto unemployment, food stamps and Social Security benefits programs than are actually finding work only creates a disaster type scenario that doesn?t bode well for an already cash strapped nation. Why on earth would a govt. who is over $15 TRILLION in debt voluntarily choose to go further into debt by all but begging people to take govt. handouts that they have to borrow roughly 1/2 of every dollar they give out in govt. welfare? It seems like fiscal suicide but for some reason it is the agenda that is currently afoot and we are all told daily it is the compassionate thing to do and we should feel good about taking care of those less fortunate.

I can?t help but see it for what it is, a scenario where those in charge realize they have severely threatened the viability of the USD as the world reserve currency. This was accomplished through decades of self benefiting abuse and now that we are entering a new phase of economic evolution which could end up moving beyond the dollar, it seems they want to get as many people on govt. welfare with them as possible so that everyone can be blamed for a crisis that was decades in the making.

It seems eerily similar to the typical 1980?s dirty cop movies where the cops are shaking down drug dealers to get ahold of their ill gotten gains only to be caught in the act by the new rooky partner who stumbled onto his partners unsavory business practices. The veteran cop has a decision to make and quickly in order to cover his but or stand the chance of losing his pension and benefits, sound like any movie you have seen? So he immediately makes the decision to push some of the stolen bounty onto his green counterpart who is struggling with the idea of stealing drug money while supposedly being their to protect and serve. If the dirty cop is successful in tainting the pure of heart rookie then he will be able through forced coercion to get an accomplice who will further his corruption and everyone is happy with a little extra side money. Then the day comes when the supervisor calls the rookie in after a year on the beat and has a heart to heart talk with him and exposes that he is under the impression that there may be some dirty cops in his crew and asks if he has seen anything along those lines. Now the struggle of conscience begins and the rookie wants so badly to expose the corruption but he too is involved in it and is unable to speak the truth as he has been corrupted by the very corruption that he despises. Now the truth goes uncovered and the inquisition fades away as a bad hunch. The opportunity to catch this early and resolve it has faded with time and the corruption has a stronghold which ultimately is responsible for the destruction of the community and will never quite be the same. What seemed like an innocent cash grab from a murderous thug who didn?t deserve the new found wealth to begin with has now corrupted the pure of heart and set out a path to moral bankruptcy. The corruption has corrupted.

Now compare this to the national debt problem we currently have and there are some similarities. The excessive debt has been swollen over the decades by politicians who were trying to get their biggest donors pork barrel projects to enrich themselves as repayment for funding his path to power. Politicians have expanded welfare programs in the poorer districts in order to buy votes from the poor which only adds onto the debt as this too is borrowed money. The crafty politicos have legislated the abilities for some of their constituents to shut down US factories that have employed several generations of their voters and outsource them over to China with taxpayer money in order to elevate their stock price while stripping the job opportunities themselves. I could go on for days as to how this ?death by a thousand cuts? has incrementally created a mountain of endless debt with just as many hands that have gone into the pot to get their piece of the action in one way or another. The point is that there is a certain ?air of arrogance? in America that we are the greatest nation on the planet and we can have as much debt as we want because the world has always gone along with it so why wouldn?t they now? But the truth is the world wasn?t Ok with it for the past 5 decades but now the situation is ripe for a major re-alignment and the world is making their move while we debate gay marriage at home. China has signed trade agreements with most of the world that no longer use the USD for international commerce. This will hurt us badly as the world will have no need for the dollar much less be forced to put up with the inflationary policies of the FED. Nations of the world are buying hundreds of metric tons of gold to prepare for the re-shuffling of the global economies. Trading exchanges are willing to accept gold bullion as collateral and are no longer ok with just paper money. The FDIC has lobbied to revalue gold bullion as a Tier 1 Asset w/ 0% counterparty risk for banks to purchase in order to stabilize their balance sheets that are severely wounded by derivative losses. Establish your ?Plan B? in physical gold & silver bullion and remember it is always better to PREPARE your portfolio before the damage begins than to attempt to REPAIR your portfolio once the damage has begun. QE3 is coming soon so now would be a wise time to prepare. Tick, tock.


Source: http://www.prlog.org/11937176-sgm-metals-llc-social-security-disability-enrollment-exceeds-job-creation-since-2008.html

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Active@ File Recovery for Windows

Active@ File Recovery for Windows stands out as one of the most powerful and easy-to-use data recovery apps. It's a close second to our Editors' Choice, OnTrack Easy Recovery Professional (4 stars), and includes some effective and user-friendly features that OnTrack doesn't match. It's also the only program I've ever tested with an at-sign in its name, but that's probably not a significant distinction.

Like the other data-recovery apps I tested, Active@ File Recovery offers quick and deep scans of your hard disk for lost or deleted files, but Active@ stands out for a product design that seems as well suited to nervous beginners as to experts. For example, Active@'s lists of recoverable files on my hard disk used headings like "Microsoft Office Documents" instead of OnTrack's heading "zip-msword," so non-experts are more likely to find the files they want.

On the other hand, OnTrack outclassed Active@ in user-friendliness when listing recoverable music files on a formatted USB stick: OnTrack listed the actual track names, while Active@ only listed arbitrary filenames, so I had to recover each file individually and open it in a music-playing app to see what song it contained.

Activating Active@
When you start up Active@ File Recovery for Windows, it scans your system for disk drives, and then you have to decide for yourself what to do with the drives listed. In contrast, OnTrack starts with a wizard interface that provides the hand-holding you probably need when you're panicked about lost files. With Active@, you select a drive, then choose Quick Scan or "SuperScan" (which means a deep scan) from the toolbar and let the app take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to scan your drive.

In my tests, Active@ wasn't as user-friendly as it should be when it finished this scan, because its list of deleted files didn?t show any of the files I wanted to recover. Instead, I had to switch to a tab labeled "Signature Files," where it listed "found" files, including the files I wanted. I don't think it's helpful to put "deleted" and "found" files in different lists, and if I hadn?t explored the interface, I might never have found the files I wanted.

File Recovery
Once I opened the "Signature Files" list, things got easier. I right-clicked on a list of "docx" files in order to recover a lost Microsoft Word file, and I could click on a toolbar icon to display a barebones preview of the contents of each file. (One curious glitch: apparently at random, the app sometimes displayed an error message "Unable to create temporary storage for previewing," but other times it previewed the file.) When I found the file I wanted, I chose Recover from the right-click menu and saved the file to another drive. A friendly option in the program then opened an Explorer window on the folder where I saved the recovered file.

You don't need to pay for Active@ File Recovery until you're confident that it can recover your files?because it successfully previewed them. The freely downloadable demo version can recover files up to 64KB in size, and you can buy an activation key for the full version if you need to recover larger files.

Like all the other apps in this survey (except the no-cost, 3-star Recuva), Active@ could create a cloned image of a drive so that I could try to recover files from the image instead of from the actual physical drive. This feature is especially useful when trying to recover files from a drive that's physically failing, because you?ll still have the image even if the drive becomes unreadable. Unlike OnTrack and Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery ?(3 stars), Active@ doesn't include a low-level disk viewer that displays the raw hex codes on your disk, but that?s not a feature that most users will miss.

I liked working with Active@ File Recovery for Windows, and it let me recover the same files I could recover with OnTrack Easy Recovery Professional?but it couldn?t match OnTrack's ability to display the actual track names of the 500+ music files that both programs recovered from a formatted USB stick. You can't go wrong with Active@'s app, but OnTrack edges it out in the competition for our Editors' Choice.

More Utilities Reviews:
??? Active@ File Recovery for Windows
??? Recuva
??? Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery
??? SugarSync (for iPad)
??? OnTrack Easy Recovery Professional
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/c77UVKvcPEA/0,2817,2407800,00.asp

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The World of Spices and Basic Recipes | Pika Chakula

Spices are dried aromatic parts of natural plants: the bark, berries, buds, pods, seeds, roots and fruit. Spices are more than just flavouring agents. Spices can sharpen the appetite, assist the ease of digestion and even help preserve food. Many spices have medicinal properties.

If you have the means, it is always better to buy whole spices and grind them when needed. This ensures the maximum fresh flavour. Using spices in your cooking enhances its flavour and benefits those who eat it.

Spices are aromatic, vegetable substances, used mainly for seasoning food and increasing its flavour. They represent the different portions of their respective plants for example, nutmeg is the seed, black pepper is the whole fruit, cloves are flower-buds, ginger is the root, and cinnamon is the inner bark and so on. The more unusual ones are available from Asian food stores or supermarkets.

Allspice: Also called Pimento, allspice is used whole in pickles, marinades and when making mulled wine. Ground allspice is used in cake making particularly rich fruit cakes and puddings. Allspice has a ?grateful aromatic taste? offering the combined flavours of clove, cinnamon and nutmeg. Its pods are similar to pepper in appearance. Not be confused with mixed spice, which is blend of sweet spices.

Amchur (Dried mango powder): Powdered seasoning made from dried green mangoes. It has a sharp, slightly tangy taste, and is used as a condiment on roasted foods and frequently in pickles.

Aniseed: Aniseed has a sweet liquorice flavour. The seeds are used to flavour cakes, curries and liqueurs. A hot tea of aniseed can help relieve a cough as well as being calming to the stomach.

Asafoetida: This strong spice is the resin of a plant. It is sold both in its root form and as a powder, the latter being more convenient form to use. Asafoetida has a distinctive, pungent flavour and aroma. Largely due to the presence of sulphur compounds and is, therefore, used in very small quantities. It has strong digestive properties and is used to counteract flatulence also stimulates the uterus and also provide relief from a toothache. It is a good appetiser.

Ajwain seeds: Similar in appearance to celery seeds, with a strong, spicy flavour.

Bay Leaf: Bay leaf is the leaf of the cassia tree; whole bark has the flavour of cinnamon (and is often sold as such). It is important to use only tender young leaves, which are full of flavour. Bay leaves are the Western equivalent of the Indian one.

Basil: Sweet, mildly sweet and pungent herb used in fresh for soups, sauces, stews and pasta dishes. It has carminative effect, and is very useful for malarial fevers, influenza, backaches, cough and colds. The seeds when blended with jaggery produces and aphrodisiac effect.

Candlenuts: White waxy nuts similar to macadamia nuts. Used to add body and flavour too many sauces.

Cardamom: The seeds are inside the paper like pod which is discarded. Cardamom is a curry powder ingredient and is used to flavour dhal dishes. Cardamom seeds can be eaten after a meal to help the digestion and sweeten the breath.

Cardamoms are generally divided into two type?s small and big. In home cooking the small cardamoms are the most commonly used? There are two varieties namely the stronger flavoured green cardamoms and the lesser-flavoured bleached white cardamoms. You can use which ever types of smaller cardamoms are available but will naturally have to consider the need to make marginal adjustments n quantities. The large cardamoms are coarser in texture, and although they have a stronger flavour, also have a slightly bitter taste. Being more economical in cost. The darker larger pods contain clusters of small black seeds, and are used as an important curry spice in the Indian garam masala as a fragrant spice in sweets. The smaller greenish pods have a mild lemony fragrance and are also used in sweet and savoury dishes. Cardamoms are sold whole or powdered.

Cassia: The bark or quills are used whole or ground. Cassia is similar to cinnamon but warmer and rounder in taste. The Americans tend to use cassia instead of cinnamon in their doughnuts and apple pies. Use whole pieces when making pickles. Add ground cassia to stewed apples, cakes, and Christmas puddings.

Cayenne: Cayenne pepper is made from ground pungent chilli peppers. Cayenne pepper is hot and stimulating. Restaurants add a little as a topping to seafood cocktails. Use it in soups, marinade and to ?devil? savouries and tomato juice cocktails.

Celery Seed: Use the whole seeds in pickles, soups, stews, meat and vegetable dishes to give a celery flavour. Grind the seeds and mix with salt to make your own celery salt. Celery is tonic, stimulant and a diuretic.

Chillies Red: May be used whole or ground. The heat of curry powder is directly related to the percentage of chilli powder in the mixture. Chilli powder including the seeds inside the pods will be hotter still! Dried red chillies are either sold whole or in ground form as chilli powder. When chillies are ripe they are usually red Kashmiri red chillies are darker in colour and not as hot as the other whole red chillies. They are mainly used for making the dish more colourful and if not available ordinary whole red chillies can be substituted. Use chillies to flavour meat dishes, curries, pickles, sauces and?ketchup?s.

Chillies, Green: The fiery taste of green chillies is derived mainly from the tiny white seeds inside them and to a much lesser extent, from the skin. Infact in most cases the skin itself has a very pleasant flavour. One way to reduce the heat and pungency of green chillies is to remove the seeds after slitting them and to rub the inside with a little salt and then wash thoroughly. Salted green chillies are therefore generally much easier on the tongue. Many times chillies are eaten raw with curries but such a practice is not recommended. Fresh green chillies are firm and shiny and they should be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator. Remember to wash your hands and not to touch your eyes after handling chillies.

Chinese Rice Wine: The pale clear Shaoshing is most suitable for cooking. Rose wine spirits if available, can be substituted, but use no more than half the quantity recommended for rice wine. Pale dry sherry is good substitute.

Chinese Brown Vinegar: Fermented rice vinegar, mild but pungent. Use white vinegar or malt vinegar as a substitute.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon bark is used whole or powdered in both sweet and savoury dishes. Add whole pieces to milk puddings, pears in wine and apple pies. Delicious when making hot mulled wine. Cinnamon is used to make pilau rice. Ground it, it is an ingredient in curry powder. Cinnamon toast (hot buttered toast sprinkled with raw brown sugar and ground cinnamon) is great during the cold weather. It removes anorexia, and is useful in mucus formation, chronic sinusitis, colds and bronchitis. Distilled water of cinnamon relieves abdominal colic distension (stomach upsets), nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Cloves: Cloves are the dried unripe fruit buds of an aromatic tropical tree. Cloves contain eugenol, an antiseptic, hence the historical use of cloves in pomanders, the latter being used as a protection against pestilence and fevers. Cloves are pressed into ham and bacon joints before cooking. Large onions can be baked in the same way. Cloves are a mixed spice ingredient and essential in cake making. They have strong aromatic flavour and are invariably used in garam masalas. Good cloves should only be well formed but also be plump and oily. Clove oil has analgesic qualities and is a well known remedy for toothaches.

Coriander (dhania): Coriander seeds are used in pickles and chutneys. Ground coriander is a major ingredient of nearly every curry powder blend. Coriander is good with lamb and in stuffing?s and sausages. Coriander helps the digestion and strengthens the stomach. Its decoction, when used as an eyewash cures conjunctives, stops burning, pain and swelling in the eyes.

Cumin: The seeds are used as an ingredient of curry powders and to flavour soft cheeses, biscuits, pickles and soups. Cumin was regarded as one of the ?foure great Carminative-seeds? capable of dissolving ?Wind in any part of the body. It acts as a digestive, appetiser and is beneficial to the heart, and in women, strengthens the uterus.

Curry Leaves: A fragrant dried leaf indispensable to a good curry. Bay leaves can occasionally be suggested as a substitute, but the flavour is quite different. Usually bought fresh in vegetable markets.

Curry Paste: Commercially prepared curry paste containing a mixture of spices in an oil or coconut milk base. Sold in supermarkets in glass jars.

Curry Powder: In most countries where curry is a main part of the diet, cooks prepare fresh spices daily and rarely use commercially prepared spice mixtures. The exceptions are special mixtures for specific dishes. Curry powder is a blend of powdered spices which usually are sold in shops or supermarkets.

Dill Seed: Dill seeds are used whole and ground. Dill is very aromatic and gives a smooth warm roundness to pickles, vinegars and fish dishes. Gherkins are pickled with dill since the dill helps combat the indigestibility of the gherkin. A tea of bruised dill seed will correct both wind in the infant and flatulence in the older gourmet. Dill comes also in form leaves which are available in supermarkets, vegetable shops and markets.

Fennel Seed: Fennel seed can be used whole in pickles, soups, sauces especially for fish and stews to which it adds a pleasant aniseed flavour. A tea of crushed fennel seed is good for flatulent colic. Fennel stimulates the appetite and is used by herbalists to treat anorexia. Fennel is also a diuretic and helps cleanse the body. A tea of fennel seed has been used to stimulate lactation in nursing mothers.

Fenugreek: Dried fenugreek seeds smell of burnt sugar and have a bitter taste. They are used in curry powders and pastes, especially pickles. The fresh leaves are also used in Indian cooking as a vegetable, being interchangeable with spinach though slightly bitter. Fenugreek is mucilaginous, laxative and soothing to the stomach. Fenugreek encourages appetite and is used by herbalists to treat anorexia.

Five Spice Powder: A blend of star anise, fennel, aniseed, cloves and cassia (similar to cinnamon stick). The spices are roasted before grinding.

Garlic: because of its extremely pungent flavour, garlic is used in small quantities as a flavouring agent. Garlic is available fresh or on powder form.

Ghee (clarified butter): Clarified butter used as the main cooking medium in the Indian kitchen, giving richness to sweet and savoury dishes. It is high in cholesterol and vegetable can be substituted. Ghee usually comes in sealed tins of different weight.

Ginger: Ginger is a wonderfully versatile spice. The rhizome is used fresh, as dried pieces and ground. Fresh ginger is essential in Oriental cooking. Dried ginger is used in pickles. To add warmth to mulled wines, to make home made ginger beer. Crystallised ginger can be used as an ingredient of cakes and biscuits. Ginger is an excellent digestive and helps to reduce cholesterol. Recent American military research has shown that ginger is helpful in travel sickness.

Garam Masala: A blend of spices prepared as a curry powder or condiment for Indian cooking. Unlike commercial curry powder, the mixture contains neither powdered turmeric, nor chilli powder. Store in an airtight container for up to a month.

Horseradish: May be seen growing wildly at the roadside. The grated root was eaten traditionally ?to correct the richness of roast beef. It is excellent with oily fish, particularly smoked trout. Horseradish is hot and helps to stimulate the digestion. Fresh horseradish is rich in Vitamin c and is though to be helpful in cleansing the body.

Jaggery: InIndiaa good proportion of sugar can crop is used for making jaggery instead of white sugar. Basically it is a solid lump of unrefined sugar with a unique flavour. There is really no equivalent for jaggery.

Lemon Grass: A grass native toAsiabut also found in different parts of the world and sometimes known as citronella grass. The leaves grow in clumps of which white bulbous part is used for its lemony fragrance. It is sold dried in strip form, chopped or powdered form. More dried lemongrass is needed than fresh to produce the same flavour. Substitute with lemon peel.

Mace: Mace can be used in sweet and savoury dishes. Mace gives doughnuts their special flavour. Add to thick soups, casseroles and stuffing?s. Use when making pickles and chutneys. Mace and nutmeg grow on the same tree. The blades of mace cling to the outer shell containing the nutmeg. Scarlet when fresh, mace dries to a golden brown.

Mint: Mint can be used in chutneys, marinades, vegetables and pastas. This green leaf is usually sold fresh in supermarkets. Mint is for relieving dyspepsia, indigestion, nausea and gastric upsets.

Mustard: The dried seeds can be brown, black or white/yellow. Black and brown mustard seeds are used for aroma, white/yellow mustard seed for flavour. Mustard only comes to life when water is added to the crushed seed or mustard flour. White or yellow mustard is a natural food preservative being an antioxidant. Mustard seeds are used in relishes, pickles and in Indian cooking but they have to be fried quickly in very hot oil to obtain their full flavour. Mustard flour is used as a natural emulsifier in sauces and mayonnaises. Mustard stimulates the digestion.

Nutmeg: Freshly ground nutmeg is delicious on toasted cheese, cauliflower, custards, milk puddings and sauces. Add to mulled wine and punches. When nutmegs are shelled, they are thrown into water. The sound nutmeg sinks with worm holes float on top. Those ?floaters eventually go for grinding. Much better to grind your own fresh whole nutmeg.

Paprika: Paprika is a ground powder from varieties of sweet pepper. The taste is mild and sweet. The best qualities come fromHungaryandSpain. Use paprika in goulash, paprika?s to season soups and meat dishes.

Pepper: Pepper is the most widely used spice in the Western world. Black, white and green pepper all comes from the same plant. All can be used ground or whole. Black peppercorns are dried unripe berries and have the strongest flavour. White peppercorns have had the skin removed before drying. Green peppercorns are milder than black or white peppercorns. Freshly ground pepper is preferable to ground pepper.

Pomegranate Seeds: Small shiny dark red seeds of the pomegranate fruit used to give a tangy flavour to Indian dishes. Lemon juice can be substituted.

Poppy (khus khus): Poppy seeds add a nutty crunchy flavour sprinkled on bread and biscuits before baking. Lightly roasted the seed brings out the flavour. The seeds are from Opium Poppy but are not at all narcotic.

Rose Water: Fragrant, delicate essence of roses as flavouring for sweets, desserts and occasionally in rich savoury dishes and biryani.

Saffron: The most expensive spice in the world. It takes over 200,000 dried stigmas from 70,000 flowers to make one pound of real saffron. Fortunately, you do not need very much. The taste is pungent and warmly aromatic. Just few strands soaked in warm milk or boiling water will flavour and colour rice dishes such as biryani, pilau, fish soups and sauces. Keep in an airtight container away from light.

Sesame: The seeds have a nutty aromatic taste which develops when the seed is gently roasted. Sprinkle on baked goods. Tahini is a nutritious paste made from sesame. It can be mixed lemon juice and garlic and eaten with toast or small pitta breads.

Turmeric: Called saffron in the West Indies and haldi inIndia, and used to add colour to curries and rice dishes. Turmeric is a dried rhizome used as whole pieces or ground. Powdered turmeric is stronger than fresh turmeric.

Vanilla: Vanilla pods are the cued seed pod of the Vanilla vine, a member of the Orchid family. Vanilla originated inMexicoand is grown in Tahiti, Java and the Bourbon islands ofMadagascar. Vanilla pods last almost indefinitely if kept in sugar. The flavour of natural vanilla enhances home made ice cream, milk puddings, custards, creams, stewed fruits and home made sweets. Avoid ?Vanillin?. This synthetic vanilla flavour is made from sulphite waste pulp, a by-product of the paper industry. There is nothing better than the real thing!

All the above spices are usually pre-packed and available at all leading supermarkets. All dry spices should be stored in a cool dry place (not the refrigerator) or a storing cupboard, unless otherwise stated. Majority of the spices stay fresh for years if properly taken care of. ?All spices should be stored in an airtight container.

Most of the spices sold on shelves at supermarkets are pre-packed in plastic containers. Sometimes they loose their freshness, so it is advisable to transfer spices into airtight glass jars, by doing this-the freshness of spices can remain for years.

When buying a spice always make sure to buy one from a reputable manufacturer. If you now your spices well, you will be able to tell which spice is which just from the smell.

It is always recommended to use spices according to the recipe. Never over use spices unless otherwise stated. Excessive use of spices is never recommended, this intends to small the taste of dishes.

If you think there is moist in your spices than you can always lay them out under the sun for a couple of days. This will enhance the flavour more also it will dry up all the moisture.

Basic Recipes

Garam Masala Powder

Dry roasted aromatic whole spices powdered and added to a dish for aromatic flavour


Source: http://pikachakula.com/recipe/how-to-make-the-world-of-spices-and-basic-recipes/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

How Marine Boat Insurance Works | Content for Reprint

Author: Tony Lord | Total views: 241 Comments: 0
Word Count: 694 Date:

If you are familiar with motor insurance policies then most of the ideas behind that hold over to the marine watercraft insurance world. But there are numerous important distinctions and this article is here to help you understand the vital ins and outs of marine boat insurance. Reading this before confirming your insurance contract can save you thousands of dollars in premiums or provide you much better payments in the event of a claim.

A fundamental point about boat insurance is that just about all marine policies are formulated as "All Risks" plans. However, the thinking is not over yet as "All Risks" only stands for all risks ? aside from the detailed exclusions and for stipulated boat usage and inside of a given region or water type. So some extra work is required to guarantee that risks to which you could be exposed are either acceptable to you or are not on the company's yacht insurance exclusions list.

Very occasionally a boat policy quote may be provided for "named perils" and will protect the most frequent hazards such as fire, theft and weather effects. Policies like these are able to charge substantially reduced premiums ? but that is due to the fact that you, as the watercraft owner, are left substantially more vulnerable than with a standard policy. An example of this could be a claim arising from vandalism where no theft or fire has happened. Any such policy requires very careful examination before it is embraced.

Exclusions are a vital aspect for you to consider your boat's policy proposal for long lasting confidence, and also one of the main differentiators between policies and insurance providers. With an 'All Risks' watercraft insurance policy everything is protected apart from those items and causes listed, so some thorough reviewing is required. Each and every firm seems to employ a unique lineup of exceptions, so in this article are several common ones for you to take into account.

Losses brought on by or arising from wear and tear, routine deterioration, attacks by marine life and insects as well as mold and mildew and weathering are commonly excluded from your watercraft's insurance cover. Having said that, on new craft (up to four or five years old) you may have the chance to negotiate 'new for old' on particular objects. Other hull areas frequently omitted are blistering and osmosis in fiberglass, deficiencies in initial design or fabrication and corrosion.

Your motor and power train is an very expensive part of your motor boat and it is not unheard of to find exclusions in this area of boat or yacht insurance. Failure of individual components is not an uncommon exclusion, however consequential damage ought to be included. So, as an example, if your oil pump breaks down it would not be covered, but the repair works to the other parts of the engine should be.

But your boat almost definitely does not live its entire existence on the water. Here's yet another area where organizations differ in their approach to marine insurance exclusions. Think about lifting the boat from the water. Who insures your sail boat whist it sits in the sling and being brought up by a crane? Don't presume or suppose, slides here are not unfamiliar and, if they occur, are generally catastrophic with respect to the boat.

Then there's the on-land storage. Though the boat is safely and securely propped over the winter on the hard standing , who deals with damages to your fixtures and furnishing caused by over wintering creatures who identify a warm spot on board shielded from the elements? Check your marine insurance does!

And then finally there's over land transportation. Exclusion riders here on your boat insurance should have very thorough checking to make certain this hazardous aspect of your boating life is appropriately addressed. It doesn't matter if it a jetski hauled at the rear of your automobile or a large luxury yacht on a low loader, make sure you obtain the correct boat insurance cover in place.

To your boating enjoyment!

Get your Free Guide to the Top Ten Boat Insurance Tips immediately at http://marineboatinsurance.net Pick up these valuable tips, pointers and guides - visit http://marineboatinsurance.net

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It is recommended that you buy boots before purchasing a pair of snowboard bindings. Finding the best-fitted boots makes it easier for you, since you can fit your snowboard bindings snugly without worrying about the shoes being too big or too small.

4: Which Tennis Strings Will Take Your Tennis Game to the Next Level

Strings have been one of the hottest topics of discussion on the pro tour in recent years. Most specifically how the Luxilon strings have become such powerful method of improving player performance.

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There are many horse races, but there are also horse races that are famous. With the growth of this sport, a lot of horse races will push through. But for now, is the famous horse races.

Source: http://www.content4reprint.com/recreation-and-leisure/sports/how-marine-boat-insurance-works.htm

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Democrats using military as bargaining chips?

This transcript is automatically generated

Some tough words from a New Hampshire senator Kelly AM she is blasting Democrats were basically using the military as blackmail.

She says the president needs to take a leading role in figuring out how to resolve the defense cuts issue.

Which would force the Pentagon to cut 500 billion dollars over the next decade.

It makes me sick.

There's some in Washington particularly.

You know some of the senate Democrats want to play -- and even our president unfortunately.

Want to use our military as a bargaining chip.

Tennessee congresswoman Marsha Blackburn serves as a deputy whip and the house for the house and is on the house and energy commerce committee she joins us now anchored thank you for joining us.

Yes they ended heavyweights -- says senators John McCain Lindsey Graham and Kelly airs who we -- heard from they are all visiting my home state of North Carolina today to swing state huge military population.

They're disagreeing with these military spending cuts are also headed to Virginia and Florida but just sticking to North Carolina alone.

A US senate committee report says that that state will lose health screenings education senior nutrition veteran services and employment help.

Worth more than 100.

Million dollars so what is it stake if these cuts go into effect.

Well first of all I was in New York I in North Carolina a couple of weeks ago -- there.

And to date that you're talking a lot about these proposed cuts in -- very concerned about that.

For the military families and the way it affects the families is the readiness and the deployment scales.

And she said these are going take -- every area.

That our military expenditures.

We want to make certain that our men and women in uniform half what they need to re deploy.

And I have to tell you the senator is trying to clean sheet as of -- The administration for the way that they have approached they asked and for the lack of willingness.

To come back to the -- you know the white.

We started through this sequestration process and the cut was to make certain.

That we reduce what the federal government spend years planning -- places and that you can reduce federal government discretionary spending.

Andy you can meet the obligation that we need didn't.

to our men and women in uniform you were looking at some live pictures of senator Graham if he speaks there in Florida as we mentioned that's going on right now.

-- there is an alternate plan and I want to get your take on this governor Romney says his plan.

Would reverse the military spending cuts made since President Obama came into office.

Maintaining defense funds a minimum of 4% of US gross domestic product.

Also calling for a 67%.

Increase in new naval vessels an additional 100000.

Active troops.

Also enhanced missile defense investments.

Basically two point one trillion dollars over the next ten years has even more than the military has asked for so how -- we pay for that is that feasible.

It is feasible and one of the things that governor Romney understands.

Is twins these contracts are terminated.

Then and I don't come back can you are back to square one on base.

And they are our readiness components that need to be captain that pipeline.

For our men and women in uniform now another one of the things I think we should day.

Is -- eliminate some of the GSA funding -- eliminate -- 161000.

IRS agents they're going to be there today implement obamacare.

We do not need to be giving pink slips to our men and women in uniform at the -- strength of our troops.

Can not take what would be necessary to -- And that active fighting force so for keeping that in -- Keeping the readiness components they are taking care of the families we need to make certain that we are in the best thing.

And our military superiority.

And our military strength he mentioned some of those alternatives.

-- to be clear.

The military cuts they were agreed to last summer by congress along with president Barack Obama after that.

So called super committee and I come to terms of the budget control act passed.

With that automatic cut going into effect right so currently the thing is how conceivable is it that we can come to terms and come to an agreement now.

Well you know we're going to keep working on it until we do come to an agreement.

And they 'cause -- your night we weren't the table working on a solution.

And the Democrats Atlanta led -- Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid left the -- The president left the table.

They need to come back and work on this and meant -- spending reductions into discretionary spending component in our budget.

So -- you are.

-- dissing the areas where they came up pulling it out EPA GSA.

IRS they scary areas and there's HH gas.

-- up places today you can begin to -- budgets are about priorities expenditures are about priorities.

We are spending too much money on programs.

We do not need all our Juan and hit some money that we don't have house about that fiscal clip that we are spiraling towards the end -- much for joining us -- we appreciate debate with you had their thank you.

Source: http://video.foxnews.com/v/1761941290001/democrats-using-military-as-bargaining-chips/

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No relief in sight; heat advisory extended in North Texas


Posted on July 29, 2012 at 6:53 PM

Updated yesterday at 6:54 PM

A triple-digit heatwave is causing serious concerns in North Texas.

The official high temperature at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport peaked at 105 degrees Sunday, and there's no relief in sight.

The National Weather Service has extended its heat advisory for Dallas, Tarrant and counties to the north and east through 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Firefighters in Hunt County had to battle the heat as they worked to control a grass fire north of State Highway 276 in Union Valley.

The Texas Forest Service was called in to help Union Valley volunteers. No structures were reported damaged or destroyed.

"We are definitely in the dog days of summer," said WFAA meteorologist Steve McCauley, who forecast high temperatures ranging from 103 to 109 in North Texas on Monday.

The extreme heat is also having an effect on the water levels of area lakes, all of which are less than full.

"We're losing about an inch or two every day," McCauley said, noting that Possum Kingdom Lake is 7 feet below normal level and Lake Bridgeport is 8 feet low.

The forecast indicates it will remain dry in the region, and drought conditions are likely to become more severe.

"When you do the math, right to the middle of August, less than one-tenth of an inch of rain falls here in North Texas," McCauley said.

Monday's forecast high is 106 degrees, with temperatures in the same range through Thursday.

"Maybe cooling down to about 100 degrees with increasing humidity next weekend," McCauley said.

Source: http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/No-relief-in-sight-heat-advisory-extended-in-North-Texas-164212246.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Serena Williams through to second round in Olympics

LONDON (Reuters) - Wimbledon champion Serena Williams breezed through her first round match against Serbia's Jelena Jankovic on the opening day of the Olympic tennis on Saturday with U.S. first lady Michelle Obama cheering her on.

Obama watched from the players' box along with Williams' sister Venus as the fourth seed took just 61 minutes to see off former world number one Jankovic 6-3 6-1.

"It was great seeing Michelle there. It just made me want to play better and I felt even better. We're here for our country and to play well. I loved her dress, which is always nice. She is always looking good," Williams said after the match.

With the usual Wimbledon requirement for players to wear white not in place for the Olympics, Williams herself took to the court in a red, white and navy blue dress with a red headband, while Jankovic also wore red.

"It's so different than playing in all white and I was thinking 'I wouldn't like it', but I like it," she said, although then adding that she would "absolutely not" like to see colored clothing introduced at Wimbledon.

With the first set comfortably under her belt, five-time Wimbledon winner Williams took an early break in the second set when Jankovic hit the ball into the Olympic-ring adorned net.

The American quickly broke again to storm to a 3-0 lead, then denying her opponent a single point in the fourth game. Jankovic managed to hold her serve one more time, but appeared increasingly frustrated with herself, wrongly challenging two line judge's calls in a row.

Serving to stay in the match at 15-40, the 27-year-old was given a momentary reprieve when her opponent powered a backhand into the net.

The American, who has two doubles gold medals with Venus but is still seeking a single gold, let out a squeal of annoyance but she didn't have to wait long to secure her victory as Jankovic hit the next shot wide to gift her the match.

(Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/serena-williams-second-round-tennis-151833045--ten.html

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Beaten Qatari emotional after making history

Emotional Qatari shooter Bahya Mansour al-Hamad spoke of her pride Saturday after making history as the first Qatari woman to perform at the Olympic Games despite her failure to get to the final.

Al-Hamad, who carried Qatar's flag during Friday's opening ceremony, finished in 17th position after the qualifying round for the 10m air rifle, missing out on the final.

But the 20-year-old, who performed at the Royal Artillery Barracks in a black headscarf, said: "I'm very happy. I'm so excited to be here. It's my dream come true. I'm so proud of this."

When asked whether she believed she would be competing in the Olympics when she took up the sport three years ago, she said "no, definitely not."

The shooter finished sixth in the women's 10m air rifle in the Asian championships in Doha earlier this year. After just missing out on qualifying for London 2012, she earned a wildcard entry into her first Olympic Games.

The groundbreaking decision by Qatar to field female athletes for the first time in their history at the Games came after a series of talks with the International Olympic Committee.

Despite the move earlier this year Qatari capital Doha still failed to make the shortlist for the race to host the 2020 Summer Games -- the second successive time they failed to make it out of the long list.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/beaten-qatari-emotional-making-history-174152976--oly.html

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chevron 2Q net income slips 7 percent

NEW YORK (AP) ? A soaring profit at Chevron's refineries eased some of the pain of a weaker second quarter.

The oil giant said Friday net income fell nearly 7 percent to $7.21 billion, or $3.66 per share. But the results beat expectations thanks to a strong performance from its refinery business.

The company's stock price rose 99 cents to close at $109.26 Friday.

Like its peers, the oil giant is struggling to find and replace its sources of petroleum. The world's slowing economy has also pushed down prices for the crude it sells.

But the lower prices had benefits. Profits at Chevron's refining and marketing business rose 80 percent. Its refineries paid less for oil while selling gasoline at higher prices on the U.S. West Coast. Pump prices there remained well above the national average last quarter because of supply problems in the region. The business also sold about $200 million in assets, including its stake in a South Korean energy business.

"They've done a good job of cutting dead weight from their portfolio," Morningstar Inc. analyst Allen Good said. "Their refining business, especially in California, was especially strong."

But the help that lower oil prices gave Chevron's refineries hurt its other business ? finding and selling crude and natural gas.

Earnings from its exploration and production business fell 18 percent to $5.62 billion. Chevron, the second-largest U.S. petroleum company behind Exxon Mobil, sold oil for lower prices in the U.S. and overseas. Natural gas fetched only half as much in the U.S. as it did a year earlier. Production from its global network of oil and natural gas wells declined 2.6 percent.

Profits also fell in the second quarter for Royal Dutch Shell, Occidental Petroleum Corp. and ConocoPhillips. Exxon Mobil profits rose, but that was due to a big one-time gain from the sale of Japanese assets. BP reports its second-quarter financial results next week.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chevron-2q-net-income-slips-7-percent-191703220--finance.html

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Today on New Scientist: 27 July 2012

Astrophile: Glitch boosts value of already rare star

A glitch isn't normally worth boasting about - except when found in a rare type of pulsar, curious dense, rotating stars that flash like lighthouses

African eye opens on the high-energy sky

The largest ever Cherenkov telescope, built to capture supermassive black holes and supernovae, blinked open last night to gaze across the southern hemisphere

Why Sally Ride's sexuality really matters

America's first woman in space blazed a trail for equality in the sciences thanks to her sex and her sexuality, says Lisa Grossman

Google rolls out fibre optics for gigabit internet

The service will launch in Kansas City, offering TV and internet around 100 times faster than the average US connection

Feedback: Rich seam of Higgs metaphors

Why priests need Higgs bosons, futuristic sweeteners, false positives of scam emails, and more

Why a dogged virus simply won't go away

History explains why rabies remains a challenge to eradicate or treat, PLUS: Psychology explains why we convict the innocent

Fat lab lock-in: Can spicy pills help you lose weight?

Andy Coghlan runs a gauntlet of metabolism tests to aid research into a spice-based pill designed to trick the body into burning off excess fat

First successful firing of a 3D-printed gun

A gun enthusiast claims to have fired hundreds of rounds from a gun made with a 3D printed component

What emotions are written all over their faces?

How good are you at reading emotions? Test yourself with our gallery of extraordinary - and sometimes celebrity - gurning

Why horn size matters when picking a mate

Watch how male rhino beetles with big horns are more likely to secure a mate

Olympic extremes: The winning formulas for London 2012

The Olympics are a showcase for cutting-edge science as well as sport. From enhancing performance to spotting epidemics, here's what's happening this summer

Suicidal termites use chemical weapons to defend colony

When their teeth are too blunt to be of use, ageing termites defend their territory by detonating explosive backpacks

Gene fusion is behind deadly brain cancer

The discovery that two genes fusing leads to some cases of glioblastoma could make treatment possible

Massive stars avoid the single life

They may live fast and die young, but massive stars also prefer to spend their time in pairs, a find that affects our understanding of galactic evolution

Light-activated brain cells boost monkey skills

Treating disease by stimulating brain cells with light comes closer to reality following the first demonstration that it works in monkeys

Man goes to near-space, checks out view, and jumps

Felix Baumgartner leapt from 29,455 metres, the second person ever to have jumped from this altitude - and that's just the warm-up

Source: http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10897/s/21c8e4d5/l/0L0Snewscientist0N0Cblogs0Cshortsharpscience0C20A120C0A70Ctoday0Eon0Enew0Escientist0E270Ejuly0E20Bhtml0DDCMP0FOTC0Erss0Gnsref0Fonline0Enews/story01.htm

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Ecommerce And Moving Mobile ? Social Media Guide

Many people are choosing their phones as their new laptops. Many phones are now installed with the technology that most basic laptops have. This means that things like the new iPhone 5 are better and quicker, technology is constantly advancing. Getting online on a mobile phone has never been easier to do, for businesses and their clients alike.

When it comes down to it so many people are now mobile. This is something that B2B businesses and ecommerce businesses are fast recognising. With this information under their belts they are fast working to get themselves and their clients not only online, but also online in a phone friendly fashion. This means more people can get things from their business.

The iPhone is a mobile built with more technology in it than some older computers. This means the buyers of Apples product find themselves online more and more. The ease of being online with an iPhone is astounding. With the new release of the iPhone 5 and even more advanced technology, so many more people will be moving mobile for their online preferences.

Learning the mobile world and the online mobile world is easy to do. With more and more phones becoming active on the internet, it is paramount to integrate your website in to a phone friendly fashion. Doing this means you will have business from people on the go, and at home. This means you will see more and more success.

Online ecommerce is seeing itself become more and more popular. This is because B2B ecommerce businesses realise that their clients and especially their demographic and target audience are becoming more used the using their internet on their phones. Having mobile phone friendly websites is incredibly simple to do, and beneficial for everyone.

Many businesses uses ecommerce services such as seo services. These help them to increase their online presence and gain more internet sales.

Tags: Business, Online Business, Retail, SEO

Source: http://www.socialmedianeed.com/ecommerce-and-moving-mobile/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ecommerce-and-moving-mobile

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Emu Oil for Anti-Aging | Health and Fitness Excercise

Consumers spend millions of dollars every single year for anti-aging products that allow them to make their face look younger -or, at least, more well preserved. Finding that fountain of youth is something important that people tend to overlook until they get older and see those lines appearing. (There is an age where how well you took care of yourself starts to show).

Many of the over the counter products available out there are said to contain chemicals that don?t improve the situation, and could possibly be detrimental for the face. They might cause more harm than good.

Many of the top celebrities out there look 10 or more years younger than they really are. Some of the magazines and websites for them state that they use emu oil, a natural product that contains lots of essential fatty acids that are known to be beneficial for the skin. Not only does it help with promoting healthier skin but it may be able to erase some of the damage that has been caused by sun exposure, diet, and the elements in the environment.

Emu oil has powerful antioxidants that help to reduce the signs of aging. It also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin E that can help to get to the skin cells deep in the layers of skin. Often, signs of aging are the result of reduced collagen levels as a person gets older. Some people promote the use of emu oil to supplement those reduced levels of collagen and elastin to help to reduce the signs and appearances of wrinkles. For those that have thin facial skin, this can also be a method that will help to thicken the skin, which can reduce dark ?under eye? circles.

Please Note

It should be noted that these claims are anecdotal in nature. There is some research that points to improvements in skin conditions. The efficacy is not recognized by the FDA, however. That fact does not have any bearing on the efficacy -it means it hasn?t been tested.

I?m the type that would try it -to see if it works for me as some claim it has worked for them. It has been in use by the original inhabitants (the Aborigines) of Australia for centuries. It seems like that should count for something.

What holds plenty of people back from using emu oil for anti-aging is that the FDA hasn?t approved it yet in terms of how effective it can be. Yet if you read the various testimonials online or talk to someone you know that has used emu oil for their skin, you might find that it is worth trying to see what results you get.

Some would say that oiling your skin is better than not oiling it. Further, that natural oil such as Emu Oil is better than some chemical concoction dreamed up in a laboratory. It is sometimes good to remember that what is absorbed by your skin is filtered through your liver. That basis alone is enough to cause some to opt for the natural substance.

Source: http://www.outnowspringfield.org/health-and-fitness/emu-oil-for-anti-aging

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Sony rep confirms some 2011 Xperia handsets won't be tasting Google's Jelly Bean

Sony rep confirms some 2011 Xperia handsets won't be tasting Google's Jelly Bean

Some of you might be familiar with Sony's earlier struggles to successfully (and in a timely manner) deliver Google's Ice Cream Sandwich to a slew of Xperia handsets. And, as we all know, Android 4.0's no longer the freshest treat around, thus the Walkman maker will now have to answer all the Jelly Bean questions to come. The first one to do so was a resident Sony mobile expert on the company's UK Facebook page, revealing that the Xperia Arc S and the itty-bitty Xperia Mini Pro won't be receiving the latest and greatest OS from Mountain View. Meanwhile, he also stated there's nothing buttery in the works for the elegant Xperia S, though he did say "ICS should now be approved" for the device. Perhaps this is a sign it's time to start looking for an upgrade, no?

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Sony rep confirms some 2011 Xperia handsets won't be tasting Google's Jelly Bean originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 14:43:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/27/sony-jelly-bean-update-for-xperia-handsets/

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Bod for tea: Guest post: Preparing for a New Baby in the House

There are few life events more exciting and terrifying all wrapped into one than bringing home a new bundle of baby. That is to say, except maybe bringing home a newborn baby to a household that is already run by a headstrong and tumbling toddler. Bringing home a newborn when you already have a toddler at home elicits anxiety for many different reasons. Not only are you bringing home a baby, you'll have two wild and crazy kids to deal with now and you can never know exactly how a toddler will react to being an older sibling. But, of course, by preparing a little and educating yourself and your family on this big life step, you can relieve some of that stress. Ease that transition into a two child household by following these tips and tricks for preparing your toddler for a newborn sibling.

Introduce and Educate
Before the baby is even close to arriving you should introduce that subject to your little one. You don't want the new baby to be a big and noisy surprise. Talk with your toddler about the baby. Let him or her touch your pregnant belly and explain that the baby is inside. Even if you don't think your toddler understands, starting the conversation early is important. Do your best to educate your child (and yourself) on the concept of having a sibling. Check out any children's books on the topic. This can be a fun and nice way to introduce the subject. Rather than only focusing on the concept of a "new baby!", talk about things in terms of your toddler becoming a big sister or brother. This helps your toddler understand their place in the event and wards off feelings of jealousy.

Give Lots of Attention
It's important to give your toddler a lot of attention during the time you are preparing them for a newborn. While it may seem logical to try to get your youngster used to having less of your attention because soon you'll be on newborn baby duty, this isn't always the best policy. Yes, your toddler is going to have to get used to having less of your undivided attention, but don't start that right away. In the start, your toddler needs lots of love, lots of attention, and lots of understanding. One of the biggest issues parents run into when siblings enter the picture is their young toddler becoming jealous of all the attention the baby gets. Share aspects of the pregnancy and process with your toddler so that they can feel like they and the baby share the world's attention.

Encourage Independence
Independence is key. Your little one can actually be a wonderful helper around the house when you will be tending to baby duties. Involve your toddler in everything you do (where it is both safe and possible). Let your toddler help you do chores and teach them to care for some of their own needs on their own. This can be a really fun time for a toddler preparing to become a big brother or sister. Thinking about potty training and other independent activities is important to do early on. Obviously, sometimes timing isn't going to work out perfectly. But, if you have a newborn on the way, think about working with your toddler on potty training, sleeping in their own bed, and other little independence steps.

Understand It Takes Time
First and foremost, enjoy the exciting ride. This is a scary, exhausting, and wonderful time - don't miss out on the adventure. Try to be understanding of your toddler's feelings when the baby comes and try to realise that little speed bumps are bound to happen - things will eventually stabilise. Accept that you've done the best you can to prepare yourself and your family for this new adventure and let things take their course. Just as you have developed a relationship with your new baby, so has your toddler. Let the two of them get to know each other on their own terms from time to time. And enjoy.

My thanks to Nadia Jones for this guest post. Nadia is an education blogger for an online education website and a freelance writer on all things academia. Nadia uses the written word to share her knowledge on accredited online schools and the latest news in the educational world. Though Nadia's mind is always preoccupied with topics of education, she spends much of her time thinking and writing about how education and learning tactics can help tackle difficult life challenges. She can be reached at nadia.jones5@gmail.com.

Source: http://bod-for-tea.blogspot.com/2012/07/guest-post-preparing-for-new-baby-in.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Source: http://anexistentialkeekah.com/pr-what-is-the-best-pr-store/

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Related Posts:

  1. Customized LLC Kits and Record Books
  2. Customized Estate Planning Kits
  3. Why Your Client Needs a Corporate Kit for Customized Corporate Records
  4. Using Corporate Kits To Form A New Business

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Physicists study the classics for hidden truths

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The truth behind some of the world's most famous historical myths, including Homer's epic, the Iliad, has been bolstered by two researchers who have analysed the relationships between the myths' characters and compared them to real-life social networks.

In a study published online today, 25 July, in the journal EPL (Europhysics Letters), P?draig Mac Carron and Ralph Kenna from Coventry University performed detailed text analyses of the Iliad, the English poem, Beowulf, and the Irish epic, the T?in B? Cuailnge.

They found that the interactions between the characters in all three myths were consistent with those seen in real-life social networks. Taking this further, the researchers compared the myths to four known works of fiction -- Les Mis?rables, Richard III, Fellowship of the Ring, and Harry Potter -- and found clear differences.

"We can't really comment so much on particular events. We're not saying that this or that actually happened, or even that the individual people portrayed in the stories are real; we are saying that the overall society and interactions between characters seem realistic," said Mac Carron.

To arrive at their conclusions, the researchers created a database for each of the three stories and mapped out the characters' interactions. There were 74 characters identified in Beowulf, 404 in the T?in and 716 in the Iliad.

Each character was assigned a number, or degree, based on how popular they were, or how many links they had to other characters. The researchers then measured how these degrees were distributed throughout the whole network.

The types of relationships that existed between the characters were also analysed using two specific criteria: friendliness and hostility.

Friendly links were made if characters were related, spoke to each other, spoke about one another or it is otherwise clear that they know each other amicably. Hostile links were made if two characters met in a conflict, or when a character clearly displayed animosity against somebody they know.

The three myths were shown to be similar to real-life networks as they had similar degree distributions, were assortative and vulnerable to targeted attack. Assortativity is the tendency of a character of a certain degree to interact with a character of similar popularity; being vulnerable to targeted attack means that if you remove one of the most popular characters, it leads to a breakdown of the whole network ? neither of these appears to happen in fiction.

Of the three myths, the T?in is the least believed. But Mac Carron and Kenna found that its apparent artificiality can be traced back to only 6 of the 404 characters.

"In terms of degree distributions, all three myths were like real social networks; this wasn't the case for the fictional networks. Removing the eponymous protagonist from Beowulf also made that network assortative, like real networks.

"For the T?in we removed the 'weak links' associated with the top six most connected characters which had previously offset the degree distribution, this adjustment made the network assortative," continued Mac Carron.

The researchers hypothesise that if the society of the T?in is to be believed, the top six characters are likely to have been fused together from other characters as the story passed orally through the generations.

The researchers acknowledge that there are elements of each of the myths that are clearly fantasy, such as the character Beowulf slaying a dragon; however, they stress they are looking at the society rather than specific events. Historical archaeological evidence has been interpreted as indicating that some elements of the myths, such as specific locations, landmarks and characters, are likely to have existed.


Institute of Physics: http://www.iop.org

Thanks to Institute of Physics for this article.

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Lou Phillips
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